Belmont Historical Musuem and Society
Dedicated to preserving the history of the city
Belmont Historical Museum
Housed in a historical home. The Belmont Historical Museum is dedicated to preserving the history of the city of Belmont. Groups welcome.
This Cultural and Heritage Learning Center, has six main rooms and two large halls.  The rooms and main hall are named for Belmont’s early doctors.  Each area contains furnishings, artifacts, and pictures which tell the history of Belmont from the time of the Indians who wandered through and camped here, up through the textile age.  One room contains a smart TV to view videos of oral histories, early times and other subjects.  A reading library contains books about Belmont’s early history, genealogies of some families, and other topics of interest. These can be used at the center for research or just pleasure. Showcases throughout  the house contain artifacts and displays pertinent to the history of the greater Belmont area. Â
Belmont Historical Society
The Belmont Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the history of the city of Belmont, NC and its immediate surrounding area. The BHS records the places , the people, and the times from the past that have made Belmont the community that it is.  The BHS traces Belmont from the early days, (even before  its original name of Garibaldi), through the years as a textile manufacturing giant, to the current days of a growing community of interesting people and places.  Belmont, NC has a well documented history via the written word from books, photographs and stories passed on by word of mouth…some not yet captured for the citizens of the future. Come in and see the huge collections of photos, videos, books and artifacts obtained from the citizens of the Belmont community.
Belmont Sports Hall of Fame
The center is also the home of the Belmont Sports Hall of Fame. Â This is a current display of all the athletes who have been inducted throughout the years. Â In addition to the main museum, Parkdale Mills donated an original mill house which was moved to our site from the Acme Mill Village. It has been furnished like a typical mill house would have been in the 1920s-1930s. It was named the Yates Abernathy House in honor of Mr. Yates Abernathy who led the effort to acquire it and restore it in an authentic fashion. A third building to be viewed is the restored 1899 freestanding kitchen building which originally served the R.L. Stowe, Sr. family.
Just across the street is a pictorial history museum owned and operated by Allen Millican. Many of his photographs feature Belmont people and sites.